Four Compelling Reasons to Organize Your Closets
by Countryside Realty LLC 05/06/2018
If you've been putting off organizing your closets for months -- if not years -- you're not alone! Since closets are not usually a "high visibility" area of the house, cleaning them often ends up being relegated to the bottom of people's priority lists.
It's easy to postpone tackling the project because you can simply close the door and forget about what a disaster area it's become!
There are, however, several sound reasons for bumping it up on your "to do" list.
- First of all, you'll probably find valuable things you thought were lost forever. Depending on how long it's been since you last cleaned out your closets, there's a good chance you'll find miscellaneous valuable items ranging from missing gloves and address books to lost photo albums and unopened gifts. There's no end to the possible treasures you could stumble upon in a closet that you haven't organized for a while. You may even find lost items you were considering replacing. In that case, you can save your money or spend it on something else!
- It's an opportunity to help others. All communities have charitable organizations that distribute warm clothing, shoes, essential kitchen supplies, school backpacks, and other useful items to underprivileged families in your area. By giving away things you no longer need and use, you can accomplish two objectives: clearing out the clutter in your home and helping needy families or organizations in the community.
- You'll enjoy a sense of accomplishment. On one hand, when you keep putting off a project that you know needs to get done, it creates an underlying feeling of frustration. However, once you get the task underway and completed, you'll feel like you're making progress with your goals and moving forward. (Not only that, but your closets will no longer be an eyesore that cause you to cringe every time you go to grab a jacket or hang up your clothes!)
- Completing one project helps create momentum for getting started on something else. As Sir Isaac Newton, the famous physicist, stated more than 300 years ago, "A body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion unless it is acted upon by an external force.” (Source: Live Science) That principle applies as much to human behavior as it does to inanimate objects. Once you force yourself to get started on a project -- whether it involves organization, cleaning, repair, or home improvement -- you'll discover new-found energy and motivation for other tasks.
While it may seem as if cleaning your closets is a monumental task that makes you feel physically and mentally drained just thinking about it, the hardest part is getting started -- taking those first few steps. By picking one closet to organize and setting aside just an hour or two to do it (and creating a semblance of order), you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish in just one session!